Friday, December 7, 2012

What We Do in Running Club by Cece

Running Club is on Mondays from 3:00 to 4:00 after school. What you do is you run to Meadow Ridge and around the figure eight. Then you run back to Knollwood. I suggest that you bring a water bottle because you get thirsty (but they do give you Gatorade at the end). Everyone goes at different paces, so you can find someone who goes the same pace as you and run with them. You can also walk if you get tired. If you like running and think that you want to do this, then you can sign up next year.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cece!

    We watch X Factor at my house and there's a contestant named Cece on it this year! She made it up until this past week, when she was voted off.

    I am inspired by your running club. Ask Mrs. Mills about college! There were four of us friends who lived together, and three friends (including Mrs. Mills) started getting interested in running. When they ran in a big race, I would stay home and cook instead! Hehe! I wasn't much of a runner! ;)

    But big news! This spring, I am going to train for a 5K with my boss. I don't think I've told Mrs. Mills yet, actually. You can tell her for me! I think it's important to have friends to run with...they keep you motivated! I like how everyone can run at different paces (I will be soooo slow at first) and I like the Gatorade at the end, of course.

    My favorite flavor is blue. What's yours? (Isn't it funny that many of us describe Gatorade flavors by their colors?!?!)

    Keep on truckin'!!!
