Friday, March 1, 2013

Stock Market Club by Wyatt

Every Wednesday at recess I have Stock Market Club. We usually have Stock Market Club in the computer lab, but sometimes it's in Mrs. Dougherty's room. Mrs. Dougherty runs Stock Market Club.

The first thing we do in Stock Market Club is make our group. You can choose to be with anyone. Then you start to buy stocks. Stocks are companies like McDonald's, Disney, and UPS. After you pick your stocks, you try to win.

If you're in first or second place, you get to go to a lunch. At the end of Stock Market Club we get a pizza party. I think that's fun. So anytime you see a Stock Market Club or game, you should try them out.

Here's the website we use during Stock Market Club:

1 comment:

  1. Wyatt,

    So fun! I haven't dabbled in the stock market yet, but I'm intrigued by it. Mostly, I like learning about different companies and what kind of patterns are happening in the world of business. My husband loves investing and saving money. I'd rather spend it on nice sweaters, good books, music, and food!

    I wonder how many of you in Stock Market Club have parents or relatives who work in the stock market?

    Good luck! Cheering for your success!
    Coreen :)
