Friday, January 25, 2013

Independent Projects by Bridget

Independent projects are all about, well, you can do anything. You can do comics, interviews, plays, and stories. We do them during writing and it's super fun.  You get to talk and talk about what you are doing.

I am doing an interview and it is fun. I walk around and ask people questions.

First, you get a proposal and fill it out. These are some of the things we do on a proposal. First, you write what genre and topic you will do then you write how you will use your writer's notebook. After that you write what your mentor text will be then you write when you will be done. And that's how to do an independent project.

Note from the teachers: the video above was created by Bridget to showcase some of the independent project work going on in our room.

1 comment:

  1. Bridget,

    Oh my gosh, you guys are so lucky to be able to do independent projects! I NEVER got to do independent projects until high school. I love how different everyone's are. I would write a series of poems if I had a choice to do anything: maybe a series of different kinds of poems all about the same subject.

    Do you ever get to do a project together? Sometimes working with a partner on writing can be challenging, but other times, inspiring!

    Keep writing! Independent projects for LIFE!
    Coreen :)
