Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Writing Celebration Time by Evan

We do writing celebrations when we are finished with a unit.  At writing celebrations, we first do a writing reflection for ourselves. Then we do a museum walk around the classroom to look at other people's writing. There is usually a stack of post-its in the middle of each table so we can take one and write a compliment about the students' writing.

At times, we search for and read our writing partner's published piece and we take a post-it from the center of the table and write what we think is their golden line.  A golden line is a line that you think is one of the best lines in their story.  We may also sing the song Celebration Time because it is time to celebrate our writing achievements.

My favorite part of the celebration of our writing pieces is when we write down our partner's golden line because it shows that we are enjoying each other's work. It also shows that my story was interesting to them.

Overall, I enjoy writing celebration time and I am very eager to finish the next unit so we can celebrate all of our good work again!

 This is a comment about your writing.

 This is a reflection that you do for your writing.

This is what a writing piece looks like.

The photos above were taken and captioned by Evan.

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