Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Fourth Grade Field Trip by Matt

October 24, 2014 was the big fourth grade field trip. We went to the Liberty Science Center. I woke up at 6:30 and I was very tired. We went to school at 7:30 and the buses left soon after. Everyone was excited to go. I got to sit next to my best friend Evan. The trip took 1 hour and 15 minutes, it felt like 45 minutes.

When we arrived we got into our groups and started wandering around.  We did the Touch Tunnel, we learned about buildings and lakes and fish.  We watched an I-Max movie.  We learned about the Hudson River and we learned about skyscrapers.

My favorite thing was the I-Max movie, it was about the world we can’t see, for example heat waves, microscopic bugs and energy waves. It was very interesting.

This was probably one of the best field trips I've ever experienced.  I think everyone should visit the Liberty Science Center because it is really fun.

The photos below were chosen by Matt from the Liberty Science Center website (

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