Monday, February 25, 2013

Mayhem Poets Assembly by Dylan

We were sitting comfortably in our seats watching the Mayhem Poets make us laugh. They were making us laugh more and more every second. At the end they asked some people to come up for a one word poem. It was funny because they sometimes messed up.

After we went back to the classroom everybody was talking about the Mayhem Poets. "Let's do a one word poem," I exclaimed. While we were doing that I noticed that everyone around us was doing it, too. Cool, I thought.

This assembly was very important because it taught us that poetry can be written in more than one way.

Visit the Mayhem Poets website for more info: .

Friday, February 8, 2013

Baseball Multiplication by Connor

I think that math games are very fun. My favorite one is Baseball Multiplication. It is very fun.

One person puts their guy on home and the pitcher puts down cards. If the product of the cards is 1-21, it's an out. Other products are a single, double, triple, and home run. Win points and play.

Note from the teachers: in the video above, Connor and Dylan demonstrate how to play an inning of Baseball Multiplication. This game can be played at home in the Family Game Kit!