Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Room 101's Math Class by Braiden

Lately in math we have been learning how to multiply 2 digit multipliers and 1 digit multipliers. We have practiced doing them with the traditional algorithm.

We have done something called hot calls. What we do is Mrs. Mills or Mrs. Barnett write a rounded fact and everyone does it in their head. Then Mrs. Mills or Mrs. Barnett calls on anybody (you don't raise your hand). Then, the person answers it. Next, the class agrees or disagrees. Finally, we do the next problem. Hot calls are normally in the mini-lesson.

A mini-lesson is what we do every day in math after our math message. In the mini-lesson we learn about what we will practice. After that we do a sheet or math journal page to practice what we learned. And that is room 101's math!

 Doing the math message before the mini-lesson.

 Doing partner work in the mini-lesson.

Doing a sheet after the mini-lesson.

The photos above were taken and captioned by Braiden.

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