Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Things Room 101 Is Thankful For

Today, the day before Thanksgiving, we published a class poem titled Things Room 101 Is Thankful For. Our poem is a list poem, inspired by Georgia Heard's Falling Down the Page, and used parts of the thankful lists we've been keeping in our writer's notebooks for the last week and a half.

 The published poem hanging outside our classroom door.

Writers in our room chose items off their thankful list, decided what kind of punctuation they'd want to include within and at the end of their line, and also made decisions about where to place their line (their sentence strip) in relation to the line above theirs in the poem.

Please enjoy the video below, which includes the sound of our first-read of the poem (turn your volume up:) and photos of each line as they were added to the poem.

Room 101 feels like there is a lot to be thankful for and we hope you do, too. Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

  1. Everyone,

    What a wonderful poem! Some of you were very detailed, and some of you were more concise, and I think that each line probably reflected who each of you is: How perfect! That's the very best part about writing: It can reflect exatly who we are sometimes better than anything else can!

    And you are all so wise in your thanks, after enduring such a scary time with the hurricane. You will remember that week for the rest of your lives. I am thankful you are all safe. I will keeping thinking of you as some of your families and friends work to rebuild their lives.

    Most of all, I loved hearing your voices and laughter. It makes me miss teaching!

    Love and thanks from Cleveland,
    Coreen :)
