Friday, May 17, 2013

Handball by Andrew

A bunch of fourth graders at recess started to play a new game called Handball.

The things you need are a ball, a net, and friends. There is a goalie in the net and as many friends on the field as you want. You need one pass before you shoot. Every time the goalie makes a save or a team scores a goal, the goalie throws the ball out. And that is how you play Handball.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Book Reviews

Room 101 published book reviews a few weeks ago. You can find our published reviews on our book review blog, Room 101's Must Reads: Maybe your next read is hiding in one of our reviews!

The Amazing Book Fair by William

Every year Knollwood has a book fair from sports to cooking to comics and much, much more.

The kids at Knollwood and sometimes Sickles love the books a the Knollwood Book Fair, especially the toys.

There is a big night called Family night. Family Night is when your whole family can come and buy books.

Have fun and keep reading!

Note from the teachers: Thanks for the books you donated to our class library! They've already been snatched up to be read :).

Invention Crazy! by Ellie

Invention time! All over Room 101 are inventions that we worked on. One of the classes came in and looked at the tables. There were different types of inventions.

Some are sporty and some are trendy. We worked hard.

There's a lot going on in Room 101. Lots of inventions and very hard work.